UR BIOGER - team "Plant Disease Epidemiology"

UR BIOlogy and risk management in agriculture


INRA (UMR 1290)

Takes part in WP0, WP2 and WP4

Presentation of the UMR BIOGER

The UR BIOlogy and risk management in agriculture works on major fungal crop pathogens, using multidisciplinary approaches: functional genomics, evolution and population genetics, epidemiology, modelling

Project implications (team "Plant Disease Epidemiology")
  • Qualitative and quantitative epidemiology of wheat rusts and septoria leaf blotch on cultivar mixtures (dispersal, infection, virulence)
  • Use of host genetic diversity for resistance mechanisms as a mean to control disease and increase the durability of resistance

People implied in Wheatamix, at the UR BIOGER

Claude Pope, researcher INRA

Marc Leconte, technician INRA

Laurent Gérard, technician INRA

Link to the website UR BIOGER

See also

Modification date: 04 July 2023 | Publication date: 26 March 2014 | By: Wheatamix - BIOGER