Workpackage 3

Workpackage 3


Assessing of blends performances on thefield and their impacts on the wheat supply chain.

Members involved

Coordinator: Stéphane Lemarié

Partners: GAEL, SAD-APT, Agronomie, GQE, LEM, CA-FDGEDA


  • Promoting collaborative blends design between scientists and farmers, taking account of agroecologic performances and knowledge and objectives of farmers
  • Evaluating blends performances (economic and agronomic) on the field
  • Analyzing blend impacts on actors implied in the wheat supply chain, in terms of economic interests, exchanges, and accumulation of knowledge for this type of innovation.
Link to the other WPs:

Workpackage 4: Supporting creation of blend development scenarios in the Paris basin, including the formalization of association rules to develop mixtures adapted to the production context.

Field experiments

Farm network of Chambres d'Agriculture, a comparison of technical and economic performances between four-ways mixtures and monocultures associated in different departments.

A network of 30 farms will be selected by the 6 Chambers of Agriculture in the Paris Basin (Cher, Eure, Indre, Loir-et-Cher, Loiret and Seine-et-Marne). The selection of the farms aims at representing contrasted cropping systems and "terroirs".

Réseau des fermes des Chambres d'Agriculture
Farm network of Chambres d'Agriculture

Modification date: 04 July 2023 | Publication date: 25 March 2014 | By: Wheatamix