Quantitative Genetics and Evolution

UMR Quantitative Genetics and Evolution

Le Moulon

INRA (UMR 0320) - Paris Sud University - CNRS (UMR 0820)

Takes part in WP0 (supervisor), WP1, WP3 et WP4 (co-supervisor)

Presentation of the UMR GQE

The Quantitative Genetics and Evolution laboratory studies the genetics and evolution of quantitative traits. The DEAP team (Diversity, Evolution and Adaptation of Populations) studies how the evolutionary mechanisms can be used to manage genetic resources, using both experimental and participatory approaches.

Project  implications
  • Quantitative and population genetics of mixtures (Combining Ability)
  • Coupling of eco-physiologic and genetic model to explore how architecture explains competition/facilitation in blends/populations
  • Whetamix WP0 management

People implied in Wheatamix, at the UMR GQE

Jérôme Enjalbert, researcher INRA, project supervisor

Julie Borg, study engineer INRA

Isabelle Goldringer, researcher INRA, DEAP team supervisor

Emma Forst, doctoral student INRA

Christophe Lecarpentier, doctoral student INRA

Nathalie Galic, technician INRA

Sophie Pin, technician INRA

Didier Tropée, technician INRA

Link to the page DEAP team