iEES Paris

iEES Paris, team "Integrative Ecology : from mechanisms to ecosystem services"

Institute of ecology and environmental sciences - Paris


Takes part in WP0, WP2, WP4 (supervisor)

Presentation of the UMR iEES Paris

The Institute of ecology and environmental sciences - Paris is a large laboratory (mixed research unit) which contributes to the emergence of the so-called « ecogeochemistry ». This discipline considers dynamics of energy and nutriments in ecosystems as the result of interactions between physical and chemical components of the environment (hydrosphere, atmosphere and soil), the physiology of organisms and their organization in communities, and the ecosystem structure. Scientists study ecosystem models (cropfields, savannas, grasslands…) to understand the ecosystem functioning and get a predictive knowledge of its dynamics.

Project implications (team "Integrative Ecology: from mechanisms to ecosystem services")
  • Ecological interactions, network of interactions and agro-ecosystem functioning
  • Analysis of soil ecology and soil macrofauna

People implied in Wheatamix, at the UMR iEES Paris

Sébastien Barot, researcher IRD and WP4 task coordinator

Jean Christophe Lata, lecturer at UPMC

Link to the website UMR iEES Paris