2016 Wheatamix communications

2016 Wheatamix communications

French and international communications of the Wheatamix project in 2016 :


11th Phytopathology Meeting - French Society of Phytopathology at Paris (25-29/01/2016)

Vidal, T., Boixel, A.-L., C., Lusley, P., Leconte, M., de Vallavieille-Pope, C., Huber, L., Saint-Jean, S. (INRA, UMR ECOSYS) : « Associer des variétés de blé différant fortement par leur architecture. Une piste d’amélioration de l’efficacité des associations variétales dans la réduction de la septoriose du blé ? »

Conception Group IDEAS at Grignon  (14/03/16)

A. Gauffreteau (INRA, UMR Agronomie) et al : "Ideotyping conception of wheat mixtures with farmers "

Agroecology Days of the Cereal Group of the “Biology and Plant Breeding" at Versailles (17-18/03/16)

Saint-Jean, S. (INRA, UMR ECOSYS) « Wheat mixtures and disease control »

Barot, S. (iEES Paris) « Agroecology : applications of ecology principles in agriculture »

Porcher, E. (MNHN, UMR CESCO) « Biodiversity and productivity of natural ecosystems »

Porcher, E. et Barot, S. (MNHN, UMR CESCO et iEES Paris) « Wheatamix results on aboveground and belowground macrofauna »

Enjalbert, J. (INRA, UMR GQE)  « Increasing within-field wheat diversity to foster the multifunctionality and sustainability of wheat production in the Parisian »

Allard, V. (INRA, UMR GDEC) « Wheat mixture performances in a multilocal field experiment »

Allard V., Ecarnot, M., Roumet, P. (INRA, UMR GDEC et UMR AGAP) « Mixtures : identifying varieties with non destructive measurements »

Forst, E. (INRA, UMR GQE) « Estimation of Mixture Ability on wheat mixtures »

Borg, J. (INRA, UMR GQE) « Participative ideotyping in the Wheatamix project »

Goldringer, I. (INRA, UMR GQE) « Participative selection and evolutionary breeding for diversified agroecological practices »

Coleno, F. (INRA, UMR SADAPT) «  Lock-in for mixture uses in the downstream part of the wheat supply chain »

ECFG13 13th European Conference on Fungal Genetics, at Paris (03-06/04/2016

Boixel, A.-L., Vidal, T., Lusley, P., Durand, B., Leconte, M., de Vallavieille-Pope, C., Huber, L., Saint-Jean, S. (INRA, UMR ECOSYS) : “Mixing wheat varieties with contrasted architecture to reduce septoria tritici blotch splash dispersed epidemics.”

Vidal, T., Lusley, P., Leconte, M., de Vallavieille-Pope, C., Huber, L., Saint-Jean, S. (INRA, UMR ECOSYS) : ”Reduction of septoria leaf blotch propagation in cultivar mixtures: exploring mechanisms through controlled conditions experimentation and modelling”

Meeting of the Hardy Wheat-Barley Group (17/05/16)

Poster presented by S. Piaud (CDA 77)

DEPHY Seminar at Rennes (08/06/15)

Poster presented by J. Borg (INRA, UMR GQE)  

Petit Pois Déridé at Amiens (29-31/08/16)

J.Borg (INRA, UMR GQE)  : "Multidisciplinary approach to study the interests of wheat mixtures"


Breeding for IPM in sustainable and low-input agricultural systems (Pologne) 04-06/07/16

J. Enjalbert (INRA, UMR GQE) : "New challenges for breeding varieties adapted to mixed cropping systems"

Ecosummit (Montpellier) 29-31/08/2016

S. Barot (iEES Paris) et al. : "How can ecology help to optimize mixtures of varieties in agriculture?"

A. Cantarel (CNRS-UCB1-INRA, UMR LEM) et al. : “Effects of agricultural wheat selection on plant trait variability and trait syndromes”

J. Enjalbert (INRA, UMR GQE) et al.  : "Increasing wheat within-field diversity to foster agro-ecosystem services : the Wheatamix approach"

E. Forst (INRA, UMR GQE) et al. : "Breeding for cultivar mixtures: estimating and predicting mixing ability"

X. Le Roux (CNRS-UCB1-INRA, UMR LEM) et al. : “Increasing wheat variety diversity within crop fields can chanel soil N dynamics in a favourable way for the sustainability of cropping systems”

13th meeting of the European Ecological Federation (Rome) 21-25/09/2015

E. Porcher (MNHN, UMR CESCO) & the Wheatamix group “Effects of crop genetic diversity on farmland biodiversity and ecosystem services”

International Conference on Functional-Structural Plant Growth Modeling, Simulation, Visualization and Applications, Qingdao (China) Nov 2016

Vidal, T., Gigot, C., Boixel, A.-L., de Vallavieille-Pope, C., Huber, L., Saint-Jean, S. (INRA, UMR ECOSYS) : ”Taking advantage of architectural diversity to improve control of splash dispersed disease in cultivar mixtures : a modelling study based on field experimentation”