2016.05 Farmers' visit on the main diversity experiment at Versailles

2016.05 Farmers' visit on the main diversity experiment at Versailles

In the afternoon of Thursday 27th May , a visit of the main diversity experiment will be organized at Versailles for farmers, partners of the project or all who are curious about the workpackages 1 and 2.

This meeting will give opportunity to introduce ecological aspects of the project, and to discuss about the first results.

In addition to the visit of the field experiments, different works will be presented and discussed:

impact of biodiversity on the functioning of natural ecosystems,
ecosystem services delivered by mixtures, in link with variety traits,
multi-site experiment,
mechanisms and linked traits impacting between-variety competition
or diseases control (leaf rusts and septoria)

Main diversity experiment at Versailles on the 17th march 2016 - Agroecology Days (photo : J. Enjalbert)