2015.03 Soil sampling on the Versailles site...

2015.03 Soil sampling on the Versailles site...

... to characterize the springtail communities (WP2)

Four persons were mobilized during two days on the Versailles plots to sample soil (left picture) for springtail extraction (middle picture).

To assess intra-plot heterogeneity, one soil core was sampled in each of the 104 plots and two more samples in five plots (randomly selected in each diversity level: 1, 2, 4 or 8 varieties). Samples are actually placed on Berlese extractors (right picture) to collect springtails. They will be sorted under binocular, followed by species identifications under microscope, a step which necessitate a great patience!

An additional sample was done to measure soil humidity.

2015.03.28 extraction collemboles