2016.09 Wheat septoria and varietal mixtures are honored by the Académie d'Agriculture de France

2016.09 Wheat septoria and varietal mixtures are honored by the Académie d'Agriculture de France

During her end-of-course internship, A.L. Boixel worked on the interest of specific and varietal diversity for limiting septoria epidemics in farm fields, under the direction of Tiphaine Vidal and Sébastien Saint-Jean.

Her works showed that varietal mixtures with different architecture can reduce epidemics caused by fungal diseases dispersed by rain, compared to pure varieties or classic varietal mixtures, bringing interesting perspectives.

This autumn,  Anne-Lise Boixel will receive the Xavier Bernard Fundation Award of the Académie d'Agriculture de France for her master thesis… A good news for Wheatamix !

More infos :  http://www.versailles-grignon.inra.fr/Toutes-les-actualites/201607-Anne-Lise-Boixel